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 28 de Janeiro 2011 | Apresentações l Presentations


No passado dia 28 de Janeiro realizou-se o Seminário “DESIGN ESTRATÉGICO” de encerramento do Projecto de Investigação De.:SID.

Aproveitamos para agradecer a todos os participantes e intervenientes no seminário que em muito contribuíram para o sucesso do evento.

As apresentações efectuadas no seminário encontram-se disponíveis em baixo para download em PDF. A lista ainda será actualizada, por faltar 1 apresentação.


Portrait of the National Industry and Design | José Monteiro Barata


Experience as DEI Students - Portuguese Case Studies I Teresa Serpa & Hugo Branco


 Design Ladder and three levels of intervention design in business I Pedro Nevado


Software Dig.:SID - diagnostics, benchmarking, and supporting the implementation of strategic design in business I Paulo Urbano


What makes manufacturing firms successful? Relating the De.:SID survey to international design research I Robin Roy


Strategic design management: going beyond single loop change management I Brigitte Borja de Mozota



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Luís Romão | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Rita Almendra | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Paulo Urbano | FC UL / Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon

Eduardo Afonso Dias | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

José Monteiro Barata | ISEG UTL / School of Economics and Management, TU Lisbon

Pedro Picaluga Nevado | ISEG UTL / School of Economics and Management, TU Lisbon

Fernando Caria | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Maria João Melo | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Rita Gomes Batista | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Ari Stopassola Junior | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

ex-investigadores | ex researchers 

Francisco Ferreira Gomes (1936-2008) | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Carlos Oliveira Santos | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Rui Marcelino | FA UTL / Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon

Joana Dias | INUAF 

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